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Math Class
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The Curriculum Gift that we give to our children...

To provide  a solid foundation in mathematics, gaining a deep understanding of mathematics and enjoy solving mathematical problems whilst fully embedding key skills and mathematical facts.

Times Tables 

Times Tables 
Learning times tables have a far reaching effect on children’s learning. Whilst we do daily sessions at school, a joint approach between school and home will help children to consolidate and ‘cement’ the learning in their own minds.

The greatest advantage of knowing times tables is the ability to calculate quickly and accurately.
A thorough knowledge of times tables enables children to concentrate on other areas of maths learning, without having to repeatedly stop to work out multiplications. This means children work quicker and also improves levels of concentration. As children learn times tables they develop more confidence, not only in their mathematical ability, but also in other areas of the curriculum.

The following suggestions are designed to help children and adults learn times tables at home:

  • Learn the easiest times tables first, children experience rapid progress and will be encouraged. The following order is a suggestion, 1x,10x, 2x, 5x, 3x, 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x and lastly 9x.

  • Focus on one times table each session.

  • Each session should be 5-10 minutes on a daily basis.

  • Children can write their times tables then read through the table; this process will help them to fix it in their mind. Write the tables as follows, this will help them to fix the sets of numbers in their mind.

2x2= 4
3x2= ?

  • Display the tables around their bedroom or the house. Seeing the tables on a regular basis will help children to learn them.

  • When questioning start with lower numbers in the table e.g. 2x4= so children experience success. When finishing go over a fact already known, thus ending on a positive note.

  • Think about different ways to ask the same question:

What is 4x4? How many 4’s are there in 16? What number comes after 12 in the 4x table? What is the fourth number in the 4x table?

  • Once a child is confident with their times tables, they could tell you a story about the multiplication, e.g. there are four cars in a car park, each car has 4 wheels. There are 16 wheels in total.

  • Once a child is confident with their tables they will need to develop speed and recall. They will also need to know all division facts e.g. how many 6’s in 54?

More Information about Maths

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​At each school within the Federation we strive for our children to be successful and proficient mathematicians. Maths is a life skill – we use it all the time for example when we are baking, when shopping, whilst driving and when solving problems. We use maths when we are drawing, when building, whilst waiting for the bus and when going on holiday. We even use maths when we don’t even realise it. Therefore it is essential that we enable our children to be successful in this subject.


To be successful in Maths, we recognise that pupils need to develop their conceptual understanding. In other words, pupils don’t only need to be able to recall facts quickly, they also need to be able to apply their knowledge in a range of different contexts, including those that are new and unfamiliar. This is the idea at the heart of ‘Maths Mastery’, an approach to Maths based upon best practice found in Singapore.


In order to develop conceptual understanding in our pupils, this year we are implementing the CPA approach to learning (concrete, pictorial and abstract). This approach recognises that in order for pupils to understand abstract concepts, they must first learn mathematical concepts through the use of concrete resources and pictorial representation.


Concrete is the ‘doing’ stage, using concrete objects to solve problems. It brings concepts to life by allowing children to handle physical objects themselves.

Pictorial is the ‘seeing’ stage, using representations of the objects involved in maths problems. This stage encourages children to make a mental connection between the physical object and abstract levels of understanding, by drawing or looking at pictures, circles, diagrams or models which represent the objects in the problem.

Abstract is the ‘symbolic’ stage, where children are able to use abstract symbols to model and solve maths problems.


At Dove Holes, we have recently altered our whole school approach to mathematics using a scheme of work called White Rose Maths. The  scheme is used in order to help us embed this approach. These schemes are based upon extensive research into maths teaching around the world, particularly Singapore and promotes an approach incorporating the use of well thought through and highly varied resources, integral problem solving and group work. The schemes are child-centred and fun to teach and was assessed by the DfE’s expert panel, which judged that it met the core criteria for a high-quality teaching for mastery.


This new approach aims to develop the use of oracy as a key means to promote mathematical understanding rather than learning through drills and the early introduction of abstract concepts.

Every lesson is divided into sections that involve plenty of discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking.  


Concepts constantly revisited to help children to remember!

Would you like to know more about Mathematics at our schools ?

In Mathematics at Dove Holes we follow the White Rose Maths scheme.  You can find out more about these schemes and when we teach specific topics by visiting the White Rose and Power Maths websites.


A summary of these topics is also in our Maths Long Term Plan.

You can find out more about the specific way provision in Foundation Stage 2 links into the subject by reading about objectives that children access in Mathematics in the Foundation Stage.

You may also wish to find out more about how children make progress across the school by reading our Maths Progression Grid which explains the knowledge and skills we expect a typical child to demonstrate at the end of each year.


  • ​Big Maths ensures that over-learning of content takes place at frequent intervals.

  • The 'power of 3 ' approach, the organisation of planning sequences and pupil journaling ensures a balance of rehearsal of explanations and proof of understanding and rehearsal of core facts.

Components and Sequencing

  • Plans allow pupils to apply their learning to different contexts.

  • progression through the curriculum a guarantee 

  • pupil errors immediately highlighted and

Conditional knowledge

  • Lessons always begin with a carefully chosen problem so that pupils are in- increasingly confident with seeing past the surface fea- tures and recognise the deep structure of problems.

  • The routine problem solving in every session together with  high levels of variation in question types and formats allow  pupils to solve problems without resorting to unstructured trial and error approaches

Procedural knowledge

  • Plans acknowledge the most efficient and accurate methods of calculation that pupils will use in their next stage of mathematics education.

  • Pupils are equipped with knowledge of how to lay out calculations systematically and neatly 

  • Pupils calculate with speed and accuracy. They practice daily, weekly and using online learning platforms. 

Declarative knowledge

  • Plans outline the key number facts to be learned, as well as their benchmarks for automaticity.

  • Pupils are equipped with rules and formulae for working with shape, distance, time, angles

  • Pupils have a secure grasp of time, fraction and length facts.

Intent, Implementation, Impact.



We have designed our Maths curriculum with the intent that our children will become resilient, motivated, independent and fluent Mathematicians. They will be able to apply their skills and knowledge in a wide range of situations within and out of the classroom.


We will deliver a curriculum that:

- disrupts learning to fully embed new concepts, 

-build on key skills as the children progress through the school, 

-encourages the children to take risks and use problem solving to further develop understanding,

- is inclusive and scaffolded for all children to access, 

-challenges the children through the skills of problem solving, reasoning and fluency,

- inspires learning through a robust teaching style that is modelled across each year group, -

aspires the children to become great mathematicians. 


We teach a mastery approach to Mathematics and aim to ensure our children have a breadth of understanding across all mathematical concepts. 




The Maths curriculum is overseen by one coordinator across the Federation. They will oversee, monitor, assess and review our practices across school to ensure Maths provision is the best it can be. As with other subjects, the co-ordinator facilitates an in-depth inquiry with parents, children and staff. Formative assessment is featured in every Maths session and used to inform future planning and pupils next steps. Pre-learn and end of unit checks are used to formally assess progress within a term and once a term formal online assessments are used to inform about children’s progress and identify learning gaps. The schemes we use, Power Maths for Y1-6 and Maths No Problem for Reception ( Taddington) and White Rose Maths  ( Dove Holes and Peak Dale) are fully compliant with the National Curriculum 2014 and aligned with the Early Years Statutory Framework 2021. In addition, weekly Big Maths sessions are delivered in class and used for home learning. This enables regular practice of key maths skills  so that pupils develop number fluency. This ensures that our plans prioritise thinking about core content so that pupils know what to do.  Pupil gaps are assessed weekly and in turn sessions address whole class weaknesses with personalised home learning linking with individual learning priority areas. 


Power Maths, Maths no problem and White Rose are schemes based on skill and knowledge progression where the children naturally develop their understanding as they travel through school. This allows children to build on prior knowledge and develop their understanding. The models and representations used are repeated each year, so children deepen their understanding of how to use these and apply them to their work. 


Knowledge organisers are being developed and sent out regularly for pupils, parents and teachers to use as a reference point. They include the areas of learning, key vocabulary and some ways in which to assess children’s understanding. Opportunities for CPD are shared and discussed regularly with the Maths co-ordinator attending 3 Maths leader briefings each year and disseminating information to staff. Our Maths coordinator is also completing the National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching ( NPQLT)




Children learn best when they connect knowledge with what they already know.

During Maths lessons, children will be given the opportunities to ask and answer questions, try new ideas and concepts and find ways in which to solve problems. The maths curriculum ensures high quality teaching across all age groups which meets the needs of individual children and allows groups of children to be supported by targeted, proven interventions. 


Enjoyment of the maths curriculum promotes aspiration, resilience, problem-solving skills and confidence. 

The children will develop their resilience and be happy to learn from their mistakes. They will realise that Maths is about trying lots of different ways to find a solution and does not always have a right or wrong answer. 


The children will become fluent in all key skills including times tables and will be able to apply these across a range of situations and contexts. End of unit assessments as well as the weekly Big Maths quiz ensures that pupils are regularly tested on their recall of core maths facts. KIRFS ( Key Instant Recall Facts) are incorporated into Beat That sessions providing a a clear benchmark for accuracy and speed as true indicators of automaticity. 


End of unit skill checks, in addition to weekly quizzing, retrieval practice grids, and Big Maths incorporate opportunities for assessing pupils’ knowledge of core methods such as finding equivalent fractions, converting measurements or using short division. The approach will ensure pupils are able to fluent tackle tricky problems. 


Children will leave the school with strong skills and be able to apply these in real life across a range of contexts. Children will be enthusiastic and able to use their maths skills to solve problems in a variety of real-life situations. 

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