We live life in all its fullness
​‘I have come to bring life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s outworking of the requirements of section 48 of the Education Act 2005. It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England.
SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives its work and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school. It does so by seeking to answer six or (in the case of Voluntary Aided schools) seven Inspection Questions (IQs).
IQ1: How does the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision enable pupils and adults to flourish?
IQ2: How does the curriculum reflect the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision?
IQ3: How is collective worship enabling pupils and adults to flourish spiritually?
IQ4: How does the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision create a culture in which pupils and adults are treated well?
IQ5: How does the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision create an active culture of justice and responsibility?
IQ6: Is the religious education curriculum effective (with reference to the expectations set out in the Church of England’s Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education)?
IQ7: What is the quality of religious education in voluntary aided and former voluntary aided schools, and in former voluntary controlled schools in which denominational religious education is taught?
SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish. Church schools will employ a variety of strategies and styles appropriate to, and reflective of, their particular context in order to be distinctively and effectively Christian in their character and ethos. SIAMS inspectors therefore do not look for a set template of what a Church school should be like, but rather take the particular context of the school into account and base their evaluation on the outcomes rather than the process.
Inspectors make one of two judgements:
The inspection findings indicate that the school is living up to its foundation as a Church school, and is enabling pupils and adults to flourish.
The inspection findings indicate that the school has strengths, but that there are also issues that leaders need to address as a matter of priority.
Our SIAMS story
New Executive Headteacher appointed January 2022.
Review and rework the Christian vision so that it can become a key lever in decision making determining the school’s direction.
Review and rework the curriculum so that it enables clearly planned opportunities for spiritual growth within and beyond the curriculum
Develop school curriculum drivers with a focus on enhancing diversity and understanding of world religions.
Develop pupil ambassadors so that they can directly experience leading with courageous advocacy , strengthening the Christian vision
Review and improve provision for SEND and disadvantaged pupils so that they can live out our Christian vision ' we live live in all it's fullness'
Appoint a SENDCo so that inclusive practice is strengthened so that everyone, including the more vulnerable, is respected, nurtured and celebrated.
Strengthen governance so that they ensure our Christian vision acts as the root of all decision making.
Enhance collaboration within the school’s federation drawing on Taddington's 'Excellent' [SIAMS 2019]
Develop parent partnerships enabling all to flourish with mutual respect through acts of kindness.
Reward, recognise and celebrate pupils and staff who show positive regard for one another, their learning , their school , their community, their world.
Enhance collective worship so that it enables children to explore first-hand what it means to belong to our church school and how these values can be applied beyond the school gate
Strengthen performance management systems so that staff are celebrated and held to account on living out the Christian vision
Develop dedicated places and experiences so that children can engage in deep spiritual reflection
Inspire pupils to write prayers & reflect deeply on what it means to belong to a church school
Appoint a new Head of School so that leaders can strengthen all aspects of the school and strengthen the distinctly Christian vision. Parents and families to be supported by a clear
‘visible’ leadership presence
Develop subject leadership so that RE expresses the school’s Christian vision
Strengthen self-evaluation so that regular pupil view, parent feedback and teachers ensure that children remain happy, thriving and successful.